Who Is DC Hospitality?
The short answer is that we have the people, the properties, and the procedures to provide you with smart buying and selling solutions.
The longer answer is that President Doug Collins and Vice President Neil Collins think like hotel owners — because they have been hotel owners. They know how to craft deals that allow both sides in every transaction to win!
Neil Collins
Vice President
Meanwhile, Neil has almost 20 years of experience in all phases of hotel operations including sales, marketing, and franchise services while serving in senior management positions with America’s Best Franchising and Cornerstone Hospitality.
Neil has also learned “first hand” as a general manager and more recently, as the owner of a franchised limited-service property in the Atlanta suburb of Duluth, Georgia.

Doug Collins
From 1993 to 2014, Doug served as Chairman and CEO of America’s Best Franchising — a company that operated almost 300 properties under multiple brands in the United States, as well as in China, India, Canada, Nigeria, and Belize.
Doug has also held positions as Chief Financial Officer and then as President of Days Inn of America, one of the world’s largest franchise systems with more than 1,800 properties. The company also owned and managed a significant portfolio of hotels and hotel loans.
In addition, Doug held a variety of positions with Imperial Hotels Corporation, including as President and as Vice President of Finance. He was responsible for the ownership, operation, and growth of about 60 properties for this publicly-held firm.

We could go on about our extensive experience and achievements, but there is only one measure of performance that really counts: satisfied clients
And about 75% of our new assignments come from people who have worked with us before!